31 January 2025
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S ponosom objavljujemo da se D-Marin službeno pridružio CSR Hellas-u, vodećoj mreži posvećenoj promicanju društveno odgovornog poslovanja (CSR) i održivih poslovnih praksi u Grčkoj. Ovaj važan korak dodatno potvrđuje našu predanost etičkom poslovanju, održivosti okoliša i pozitivnom društvenom utjecaju.
Kao dio ove ugledne mreže, veselimo se suradnji s istomišljenicima, razmjeni najboljih praksi i doprinosu inicijativama koje donose značajne promjene. Povezivanjem s CSR Hellas-om nastojimo dodatno unaprijediti naše inicijative u području okoliša, društvene odgovornosti i korporativnog upravljanja (ESG), osiguravajući da održivost ostane u središtu našeg poslovanja.
U D-Marinu prepoznajemo ključnu ulogu koju poduzeća imaju u stvaranju bolje budućnosti za društvo i okoliš. Kroz ovo partnerstvo nastavit ćemo provoditi odgovorne poslovne strategije, podržavati lokalne zajednice i razvijati inovativna rješenja koja potiču održiv rast.
Radujemo se suradnji s CSR Hellas-om i njegovim članovima kako bismo izgradili održiviju budućnost, potaknuli društveno odgovorno poslovanje i dodatno povećali pozitivan utjecaj naših aktivnosti.
Pratite nas za više informacija o našim CSR i ESG inicijativama dok krećemo na ovo uzbudljivo putovanje!
21 January 2025
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D-Marin, the selection of premium marinas, will showcase its latest developments and innovations at BOOT Düsseldorf 2025. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore D-Marin’s growing portfolio, which now includes 25 marinas across 8 countries in the Mediterranean and Gulf regions, along with exciting new projects under development.
“Over the past year, D-Marin has made significant progress in expanding and improving our marina network,” said Dean Smith, Chief Commercial Officer at D-Marin. “With new marina developments, strategic acquisitions, and innovative services, we are setting new standards for the marina industry. We are excited to share our updates with the visitors at boot Düsseldorf and look forward to building on this momentum in 2025.”
Since January 2024, D-Marin has expanded its presence in the Mediterranean, creating a valuable cluster of marinas across the French and Italian Rivieras. Key additions include Camille Rayon and Porto Mirabello, as well as four other prime locations, which further enhance the network’s appeal to yacht owners and travelers.
Today, D-Marin marinas feature 14,000 berths, including over 1,000 dedicated to Superyachts. Serving over 50,000 customers annually, providing more than 2,500 world-class boatyard services per year, and achieving an industry-leading NPS score of 54, D-Marin has established itself as a leading brand. This achievement underscores D-Marin's commitment to delivering exceptional experiences. The D-Marin App, which will also be demonstrated at the stand, simplifies marina services by allowing users to monitor their vessel remotely and manage energy consumption via smart systems.
Visitors are welcome to learn more about D-Marin’s comprehensive offerings and future from January 18th to 26th, 2025, at Hall 13, Booth B04.
17 December 2024
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We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded a 2024 International Gold Green Apple Environment Award for our innovative solar panel project. This project, currently underway across our network, including a successful completion in Turkiye, exemplifies our unwavering commitment to sustainability.
By harnessing the power of the sun, we are not only reducing our carbon footprint but also leading the yachting industry towards a greener future. This prestigious award recognizes our efforts to align with Science-Based Targets and drive sustainable change.
Sustainability is more than just a goal; it's a core value at D-Marin. We are dedicated to implementing energy-efficient practices, engaging stakeholders in green initiatives, and achieving long-term environmental excellence.
Together, let's shape a brighter, greener future for the yachting industry.
16 December 2024
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D-Marin has solidified its sector-leading approach to sustainability by earning the prestigious Silver Award in the EcoVadis ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) ratings. This year’s achievement places D-Marin among the top 6% of companies in the leisure industry, marking a significant improvement from last year’s ranking in the top 24%. This accolade underscores the company’s unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility, social impact, and ethical governance.
EcoVadis, a globally trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, evaluates companies across four key pillars: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. For its 2024 assessment, D-Marin’s sustainability initiatives were rigorously reviewed, resulting in an outstanding Silver Medal, ranking just 1% below the Gold tier (which starts at the top 5%). This recognition reflects consistent progress and notable advancements in sustainable practices since D-Marin’s previous evaluation.
D-Marin's sustainability strategy includes a goal to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% by 2030, aligning with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and supporting the objectives of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
D-Marin actively implements environmental projects such as seabed and beach cleaning operations using innovative technologies like the Jellyfishbot and DPOL® floating pump. To date, these efforts have successfully removed over five tonnes of waste. Comprehensive employee training programs further ensure these initiatives’ long-term effectiveness in combating seawater pollution.
D-Marin’s commitment to ESG extends beyond operational practices. The company participates in educational campaigns to raise awareness of environmental challenges and inspire collective action. As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, D-Marin promotes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and collaborates with organizations such as HELMEPA and TURMEPA to protect seas and coastal environments.
Oliver Dörschuck CEO of D-Marin quoted:
At D-Marin, we strive for excellence across all ESG pillars. Our mission is to reduce our environmental impact, foster positive social change, and uphold the highest standards of governance. We are proud to be recognized by EcoVadis for our commitment to sustainability and remain dedicated to contributing to a more sustainable future for all.
03 December 2024
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U subotu, 30. studenoga, završilo je još jedno uzbudljivo izdanje Jesenskog prvenstva lagune i rekreativnog jedrenja, u organizaciji Yacht Club Lignano. Tijekom četiri dana održano je ukupno pet utrka, a završni dan donio je savršene uvjete: sunčano vrijeme, vedro nebo i sjeveroistočni vjetar od 10 do 15 čvorova koji su omogućili uživanje i konkurentno jedrenje.
Zahvaljujući primjeni odbacivanja rezultata, konačni su poretci definirani te su proglašeni pobjednici u raznim klasama i kategorijama.
Pobjednici po klasama:
Jesensko prvenstvo rekreativnog jedrenja: Birbone, Alzavola, Città di Fiume 2, Ariella.
ORC Grupa 1:
• Regatna podjela: Tasmania.
• Krstaška podjela: Nakhla.
ORC Grupa 2:
• Krstaška podjela: Take Five Jr. tijesno je pobijedio Barramundija s razlikom od samo 0,5 bodova.
• Regatna podjela: C-32 zadržao je prednost ispred Matrixa.
Open klasa: Pobjede su odnijeli Brava, Tasmania, Take Five Jr., C-32 i Athena.
Nakon utrka uslijedila je svečana dodjela nagrada za zvijezde prvenstva, koju je pratila tradicionalna završna zabava. Bio je to prijateljski događaj s pečenim divljim svinjama, lutrijom s nagradama i živahnom zabavom uz plesača koji je uljepšao večer.
Jesensko prvenstvo lagune označilo je prikladan završetak žive sezone 2024. godine. Godina je bila ispunjena uzbudljivim regatama, ljetnim tečajevima jedrenja za mlade i lokalne škole, treninzima i utrkama za natjecateljske ekipe te razvojnim prilikama za mlade instruktore. Sve to omogućeno je zahvaljujući neprocjenjivoj podršci volontera, članova kluba i sponzora Yacht Club Lignano. Bez njihove predanosti, ništa od ovoga ne bi bilo moguće!
Posebne zahvale idu i lokalnim vlastima koje su prisustvovale dodjeli nagrada te na razne načine nastavljaju podržavati aktivnosti kluba.
Na kraju, iskrena zahvala svim sudionicima i članovima obitelji Yacht Club Lignano što su bili dio ovog nevjerojatnog putovanja.
Veselimo se idućoj sezoni, gdje ćemo ponovno podijeliti našu strast prema jedrenju i moru!
02 December 2024
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D-Marin is proud to announce that its three Turkish marinas have been honoured with five prestigious awards at the Abu Dhabi Maritime Awards, which recognise excellence in marinas across the Middle East and Turkey.
Oliver Dörschuck, CEO of D-Marin, commented: “These awards highlight the exceptional dedication and expertise of our teams at Turgutreis, Göcek, and Didim. Under the leadership of Can Akaltan, Türkiye Regional Operations Director, and through the outstanding contributions of Bora Ergezgin, Marina Manager at D-Marin Göcek, and Mustafa Gün, Marina Manager at D-Marin Turgutreis, we continue to advance innovation, sustainability, and customer excellence. My heartfelt congratulations to the entire team in Turkey for their hard work and passion, which set new benchmarks in marina management. This recognition inspires us to keep raising the bar for our customers, communities, and the environment.”
D-Marin received the top three awards in the ‘Outstanding Marina’ category. Turgutreis secured the gold award for the second consecutive year, while D-Marin Göcek received silver and D-Marin Didim earned the bronze award.
The Outstanding Marina Award recognises exceptional performance and continuous improvement through new ideas and technology to enhance operations and customer experience. The judges particularly praised D-Marin for its ability to deliver outstanding customer interactions, understand customer needs, and foster loyalty through feedback. They also commended D-Marin for its exemplary health and safety practices alongside its effective staff development initiatives.
Additionally, D-Marin Göcek won gold in the ‘Customer Experience’ category, while D-Marin Didim secured gold for ‘Sustainability’, in recognition of its strong environmental efforts and state-of-the-art facilities.
Each of the marinas underwent a rigorous evaluation process, with representatives undergoing over three hours of questioning from a panel of nine jurors and 16 assessors, all from prestigious organisations and regulatory bodies.
25 November 2024
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The prestigious 22nd Göcek Autumn Race Week and Atatürk Cup, organized by the Göcek Yacht Club, has successfully brought together an impressive international fleet of sailing enthusiasts off the stunning coast of Fethiye, Muğla.
This year's event showcased remarkable participation with 763 sailors from 17 countries competing aboard 90 vessels, marking it as one of the most diverse editions in the event's history.
The competitive spirit remained high as sailors navigated the challenging geographical course, demonstrating exceptional seamanship and tactical prowess. The competition, set against the backdrop of D-Marin Göcek's pristine waters, featured six races over four exciting days of sailing.
The event has once again reinforced D-Marin Göcek's position as a leading Mediterranean sailing venue, bringing together the international sailing community in a celebration of maritime sport and cultural exchange. This prestigious regatta not only highlights the region's perfect sailing conditions but also contributes significantly to the local maritime tourism sector.
05 November 2024
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Sjajan dan jedrenja obilježio je uspješan završetak 19. Punta Faro kupa, organiziranog s uobičajenim entuzijazmom od strane Yacht Cluba Lignano. Bura od 12-15 čvorova i vedro sunčano vrijeme pratili su regatu, koja se odvijala na trokutastoj ruti s fiksnim točkama.
Po prvi put, Memorijalni trofej Fabio Barison dodijeljen je vodećem brodu u najvećoj klasi, što je posebno priznanje koje je dodatno povećalo prestiž natjecanja i s ljubavlju odalo počast nekome tko nikada nije propustio naše regate.
• Klasa Alfa: Prvo mjesto osvojio je First 40.7, Twenty One, pod vodstvom Sandra Cassandra (Yacht Club Lignano), s mladim jedriličarima iz tima Ilca YCLignano na brodu. Na drugom mjestu završio je Dufour 40 Frida, pod kormilom Michelea Albierija (CVAM).
• Klasa Bravo: X37 White Sharx, pod vodstvom Giacoma Sangallija (CV Conegliano), osvojio je Barison trofej. Na drugom mjestu završio je C32 pod vodstvom Alessandra Comuzzija, dok je treće mjesto pripalo brodu Italia Yacht 9.98 Alzavola, pod vodstvom Paola Donadona (YC Cûpa).
• Klasa Charlie: Pobjedu je odnio Elan 333 Aylin (Tiliaventum). Rotarijanci na brodu Swan 371 Cidrolin, pod kormilom Manfreda De Paolisa, zauzeli su drugo mjesto, dok je treće mjesto u Klasi Alfa osvojio Bavaria 44 Mara.
Čestitke svim sudionicima na nezaboravnom danu jedrenja i sporta!
Predsjednik Stefano La Bella:
“Radujemo se što ćemo vas dočekati na 35. Jesenskom prvenstvu lagune, koje započinje prvom utrkom u nedjelju, 10. studenog, a nastavlja se sljedeće dvije nedjelje, s proslavom na zatvaranju u subotu, 30. studenog. Kao i uvijek, nudimo opciju prvenstva ‘Race’ za klase Open i ORC (s prilagodbom vremena prema brodovima i mjernim certifikatima), kao i prvenstvo White Sails Cruising (real-time bodovanje), koje je manje zahtjevno, ali ništa manje zanimljivo, kako bismo zajedno zaključili sezonu 2024.”
03 October 2024
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U partnerstvu s Dubai Holdingom, D-Marin će upravljati novom marinom inspiriranom Mediteranom koja će biti otvorena u Dubaiju: Port De La Mer. Ova suvremena marina peta je D-Marin marina u Dubaiju, učvršćujući poziciju Grupe kao međunarodne destinacije za vlasnike luksuznih jahti.